Student Life » School Policies

School Policies

Below is a listing of policies and regulations that parents should review annually.

2361 POL

Acceptable Use of Computer Networks, Computers and Resources

2415 POL

No Child Left Behind Programs

2363 POL

Use of Privately Owned Technology

2260 POL

Affirmative Action Programs and Practices

3283 POL

Electronic Communications Between Teaching Staff Members and Students

4283 POL

Electronic Communications Between Support Staff Members and Students

5200 POL


5511 POL

Dress Code

5600 POL

Student Discipline/Code of Conduct

5322 POL

Student’s Possession and Use of Cellular Phones and Electronic Devices

5516 POL

Use of Electronic Communications and Recording Devices

5530 POL

Substance Abuse

5512 POL

Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying, and Cyber-Bullying

5514 POL

Student Use of Vehicles

5331 POL

Management of Life Threatening Allergies

5331 REG

Management of Life Threatening Allergies

5338 POL

Diabetes Management

5519 POL

Dating Violence at School

5612 POL

Assault on District Board of Education Members or Employees

5612 REG

Assault on District Board of Education Members or Employees

5613 POL

Removal of Student for Assault with Weapons Offenses

5613 REG

Removal of Student for Assault with Weapons Offenses

5615 POL

Suspected Gang Activity

5751 POL

Sexual Harassment

7422 POL

Pest Management

7513 POL

Recreational Use of School Facilities and Grounds

7441 POL

Electronic Surveillance in School Building and on School Grounds

8330 POL

Student Records

8505 POL

Local Wellness Policy/ Nutrient Standards for Meals and Other Foods

8445 POL

Telephone Use by Students

8431 POL

Preparedness for Toxic Hazard Plan

8420 POL

Emergency and Crisis Situations

8601 POL

Student Supervision After School Dismissal

8690 POL

Monitoring Devices on School Vehicles

9240 POL

Rights of Parents