Annual Notices
Cranbury School District parents and guardians have been asked to view this page and to acknowledge that you have been made aware of them - this is done through the Parent Portal. If you have any questions, please contact the main office at (609) 395-1700.
FERPA, PPRA, ESSA and Title I Right to Know
This is our annual FERPA, PPRA, ESSA and Title I Right to Know notice of parental/guardian rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and important information for parents in Title I schools. These notices include information on:
2) The release of certain directory information without written consent (e.g. yearbook, honor roll, graduation programs) and your right to instruct us to not release that information;
3) Your rights regarding the district’s use of surveys and certain physical exams; and
4) A letter informing parents of their “Right to Know’’ qualifications of teachers and our parental involvement policy (#2415.04).
Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Lead Testing
In accordance with the New Jersey Department of Education requirements, water testing was conducted at Cranbury School on June 3, 2022. The water testing was performed by PARS Environmental, one of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection approved testing agencies. We are pleased to report that the lead testing results from PARS Environmental show no elevated levels of lead in any of the samples taken at our school and our water is therefore safe for consumption. A community notification letter was included on our district website along with an additional link for a list of all outlets sampled on June 3, 2022.
The 2023-2024 Statement of Assurance (SOA) for Testing and Reporting of Lead in School Drinking Water was submitted to the State of New Jersey Department of Education on June 28, 2024.
As required by the State of New Jersey Department of Education, all entities must test for lead from all drinking water outlets within a three-year testing cycle. The next designated Statewide testing year for all entities to test is 2024-2025.
- Substance Abuse Policy (#5530)
- Pupil Discipline/Code of Conduct Policy and Regulation (#5600)
- Sexual Harassment Policy (#5751)
- Electronic Surveillance in School Buildings and on School Grounds Policy (#7441)
- Preparedness for Toxic Hazard Policy (#8431)
- Monitoring Devices on School Vehicles Policy (#8690)