- Listen to this story then share 3 things that are related to summer
- Draw a picture of the beach. Include something you can:
Ride, eat, see, hear, do
- Listen to Mr. Magee’s Camping Spree on Tumble Books. Log in: tumble735
Password: books
- Watch this video and complete the “Which Came First” activity
- List five animals that live in the ocean
- Create an ocean scene. Be creative. You can use construction paper, markers, stuffed animals, Legos, whatever you have!
- Let’s go to the zoo! Click here and watch for the first 2 minutes and 45 seconds:
Which animals did you see? Which was the biggest? Which was the smallest? What was your favorite animal?
Have your parents type your responses, or draw a picture and share with me!
- Sing along!
- Build a zoo with Play-doh, Legos, Magnatiles, or any building toys you have.
Share your answers with me!
Enter Title
- Draw a picture of your Mom. List three things you love most about your Mom.
- Mother’s Day Scavenger Hunt
Find Mom’s Favorite:
Food, thing to wear, thing to read, activity,
Color. Be sure to send me a picture so I can see how you did!
- Give your mom a break! Play a game with your dad! Practice using complete sentences as you take turns.
- Complete Location Scavenger Hunt. Check off items as you complete them, and send me a picture of your completed list.
- Play a game of I Spy. Try to use some of your location words from activity #1, such as “I spy something red next to the couch.”
- Complete a puzzle. Practice asking for a piece using descriptive words, or describe the completed puzzle once you’re done.
1. Go to:
- Draw a picture of a plant you saw in the video or one in your backyard
- Play a board game. Practice taking turns and using language to request and comment during the game.
Go to:
Activity 1:
- Watch the video for Duck! Rabbit
- Click on quizzes and choose quick quiz
- Work together to make something
- Plan together to think of an idea
- Take turns building/ creating
- Model full sentences
Go to:
- Watch the video for One Duck Stuck
- Click on quizzes and choose quick quiz
- Retell the story, which animals try to help the duck?