Activities for the Week of June 8th:
- Watch this roller coaster ride Check out this roller coaster ride!
https://safeYouTube.net/w/5AAJ and practice pausing to describe it to your parents.
2. Listen to this story https://safeYouTube.net/w/hxeK and then share 3 things you are looking forward to this summer!
This is our last week of Speech Services for the school year. Thank you for your hard work this year, and these past few months! I know it was challenging at times. I hope you have a great summer, and can't wait to see you again!!
Activities for the Week of June 1st:
I can't believe it is the first of June! The past few months have passed very quickly! Do you feel the same?
Let's try a new strategy this week.
1. Click on the Color Me Fluent link below and follow the directions. Let me know how it goes.
2. Practice Syllable Timed Speech for 2 minutes
3. Practice Pausing while reading aloud.
Activities for the Week of May 25th:
1. Look at a picture, and practice Syllable Timed Speech for 3 minutes.
Talk. like. this, break. ing. each. word. up. in. to. its. syll. a. bles. and. pu. tting. bound. aries. a. round. each. one.
2. Incorporate pausing into conversation. This is different than #1. When using pausing, you take a brief pause within your sentences. If speaking, try to imagine where there might be punctuation. It is often easier to start this with reading activities so that you can use the punctuation to guide you.
Activities for the Week of May 18th:
Let's talk about Disney World this week!
1. Use your fluency strategies to list as many Disney characters as you can.
2. Practice pausing while answering the following questions: Have you been to Disney World? If so, what was your favorite ride? If not, would you like to go? Why or why not?
3. Practice pausing while reading aloud for 5 minutes.
Activities for the Week of May 11th
1. Check out this reading of a Fly Guy book https://youtu.be/H1X7iUIeAB4
Listen to how the reader is using slow, smooth speech.
2. Retell the story using slow, smooth speech.
3. Complete another activity from last week's fluency calendar.
Fluency Activities for the Week of May 4th:
1. Complete activities on the Fluency Calendar linked below.
2. Practice pausing while reading aloud for 5 minutes.
Activities for Week of April 27th
1. Complete Fluency Think & Guess worksheet
2. Practice pausing while reading aloud for 5 minutes.
Activities for the Week of April 20th
1. Practice pausing while reading aloud for 5 minutes.
2. Complete One Page Fluency Sheet in link below. Use your smooth speech.
Activities for Week of April 14th
Look at the link for Fluency Home Practice below.
Complete page 2 and 3. Identify your strategies on page 3, and practice in 5 sentences.
Week of March 30th
1. Practice slow, smooth speech while you recite a nursery rhyme.
2. Practice slow, smooth speech while you talk about your favorite movie.
3. Practice fluent speech patterns as you sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little star.
Fluency Activities for the Week of March 23rd
1. Draw a picture or write four times your speech was bumpy today
2. Practice reading your favorite book. Pause at commas and periods. If your student can't read, have them repeat after you, as you model pausing.
3. Continue calendar activities.
Please see link below for Fluency Activities for Week of March 16th
Complete daily activity using smooth speech.
Remember to pause!!