Science Olympiad
The Science Olympiad is an organization that seeks to raise students’ interest in science while competing as part of a team. The team at Cranbury School consists of 18 students in grades 6-8. All students are eligible to try out. Students spend months preparing for events involving a variety of scientific fields and skills. Students are expected to meet the goals set for each event in order to compete in the regional tournament, which is scheduled for January.
New Jersey Science Olympiad has been on the leading edge of educational innovations since 1993. These innovations include high academic standards; demonstration of skills through performance testing; learning through hands-on, minds-on activities; cooperative learning through events that require teamwork; improved self-concept through success in achieving high standards and making applications and connections to the real world.
New Jersey Science Olympiad events are closely aligned with New Jersey Science Education Standards and include strong components for problem solving, critical thinking and use of technology. Science Olympiad also portrays the close relationship between teaching and assessment. Assessment tasks are developmentally appropriate for young children, and include recognition of students' physical skills and cognitive abilities.