General Bus Guidelines
General Bus Guidelines
- Quiet talking is permitted. Loud talking and shouting are not permitted.
- Throwing objects is not permitted.
- Consumption of food and beverages is not permitted. Many students have food allergies and can suffer an immediate, life-threatening reaction within close proximity to food allergens.
- Students must be seated and fastened in seat belts at all times. They should face the front of the bus and not leave their seats until the bus comes to a complete stop.
- When leaving the bus, students should proceed immediately away from the bus.
- Students should never retrieve paper or objects that have fallen on the ground near the bus.
- Students who cross in front of the bus should walk ten feet in front of the bus and LOOK at the driver for a signal to proceed.
- Pushing and shoving are not permitted.
- While waiting for the bus, students must remain off the roadway and must not run toward the bus as it approaches.
- Students should be courteous to the driver and to each other at all times.
- Bus evacuation drills will be conducted twice annually.
- Parents will be informed, in writing, of their children’s bus route number, stop location, and time of pick-up. Students are to be at assigned stops 10 minutes prior to the assigned time. The driver will not wait for students to arrive at the bus stop.
- Students may not change bus stops or buses under any circumstances.
- Bus service is provided for only those students who are listed on the school bus roster.
- Due to many of the buses being used to capacity, there is no room to transport large duffle bags, gym bags that cannot be held in the student’s lap, or athletic equipment. Materials cannot be stowed in the aisle of the bus.
- Students who violate safety procedures may be suspended from riding the school bus by the administrators of the high school or elementary school. Bus drivers will manage the behavior of their riders. Students who disobey the drivers will be referred to the vice principals when necessary.
- Parents of elementary age students must be present at the designated drop off time and location. If a parent is not present, the students will be returned to the Main Office of the school and parents will be called for pick-up.
- All PHS Students are required to show both their PHS ID and bus pass to board any transportation services.
View our transportation brochure.