Mrs. Jillison Brophy » Welcome to the Health Office!

Welcome to the Health Office!

Welcome to the Cranbury Health Office!

The Cranbury Health Office is staffed by Mrs. Jillison Brophy.

Please feel free to call or email with any questions, concerns or medical updates regarding your child.

The phone number for the Health Office is (609) 395-1700 ext. 239 and I can be reached by email (preferred form of contact)-  [email protected]

The health office hours are 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.   

A healthy child ensures the development of a lifelong learner who is a productive citizen of the future.  The Health Office goals are to promote health and wellness for all our students in the following ways:

  • Evaluate student’s health status to ensure normal growth and development.
  • Maintain state mandated immunization records.
  • Screen for vision, hearing, blood pressure, scoliosis and other medical issues and  make referrals to parents when necessary.
  • Provide prompt triage, first aid and referral as needed for illness and injuries at school.
  • Ensure nursing care for students with chronic medical conditions.
  • Promote a safe environment for students in school.


In order to best meet your child’s health and educational needs in school, it is requested that a parent/ guardian inform the school nurse of any health related issues, changes in medications, etc. The school staff who work with your child will be notified in a confidential manner of only specific health issues that may affect them in class. In addition please notify the Health Office and Front Office of any change in emergency contact numbers.

Medication Administration in School: NJ State law and regulations pertaining to administration of medications (prescribed and over the counter) in school requires completion of Permission for Administration of Medication in School Form by a Doctor, Dentist, or an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. The form must also be signed by a parent/guardian. Medication must be brought to the nurse by the parent in the original labeled container. 

ILL Child Policy: Regular school attendance is necessary for optimal learning. However, a mere presence at school does not ensure effective learning. A child must be feeling well in order to maximize the learning experience. In addition, a child who is sick and comes to school may spread the illness to other students and staff. The child needs to remain home if any of the following conditions are present:

  • A fever (100 degrees or more without acetaminophen/Ibuprofen), diarrhea and/or vomiting  must be excluded from school and symptom free (without fever reducing medication) for 24 hours before returning back to school, see below for Corona virus guidelines
  •  Must be on an antibiotic for 24 hours before returning back to school
  •  Need a doctor’s note to return back to school if child has a contagious disease, rash of unknown origin and/ or has been absent for 3 or more days   Please have the next document filled out and returned by your child's pediatrician.   Corona virus return to school document
  • If a student has had Corona Virus and had symptoms, they can return to school at least 10 days since the symptoms first appeared and at least 24 hours with no fever without fever -reducing medication and symptoms have improved.
  • If  student has tested positive for the Corona virus but has had no symptoms and continues to have no symptoms, they may return to school after 10 days have passed since the Corona virus test
  • Any student that has come into close contact with Corona virus should stay home for 14 days after exposure based on the time it takes to develop illness.  Please contact the school nurse if you have any questions.

If your child is ill and will be absent, call the Tele-Safe Phone Number at 609-395-1700 and press #6. Please leave a message with your child's name, grade, teacher and a short description of why your child is absent. 
